Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Client Charter

Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage (FTKW) staffs are committed to ensure and provide the best quality services to fulfill the key performance indicator standards, as well as determined to deliver clients need and aspiration through client charter as follows:

FTKW are willing to cater to the stakeholders: students, parents, suppliers, industry player and the media through the Client Charter such as:

  • To provide unique, relevant academic programs and curriculum for our clients while formally anticipate new markets based on entrepreneurial and holistic approach in the field of creative technology and heritage.
  • To ensure the best service available for human resource development and dissemination of knowledge.
  • To provide conducive infrastructure and resources to enrich teaching and learning experiences on a university level.
  • To support the efforts in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.
  • To respond to all complaints/suggestions and and/or enquiries within seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of complaint.

Based on FTKW Strategic Plan Book 2010-2020