Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Elective : Visual Communication Design

The Visual Communication Program offers learning opportunities in the areas of Illustration, Package Design, Typography, Advertising, Branding, Photography, Videography, Animation and more. Teaching and learning processes are carried out in theory and practice through lectures, studios, workshops, industrial training, product development and creation, product presentations and academic research to meet the needs of graduation. Student achievement will be evaluated despite ongoing assessment and exams. Graphic Communications involves market segments which cover printing, publishing, packaging, electronic imaging and other related industries, commonly referred to as graphic arts, printing or imaging industries. Contemporary graphic communication requires communication technology harmonization, where multimedia and web pages complement print media. Students will develop a design language that reflects imagination and innovation, and not artificial. The project may involve the concept and design of magazines, packing, posters, CDs, shopping bags, books, advertisements and corporate identities. By emphasizing the basics of design, the student is clearly ready to pursue creative positions in the print and electronic media. The program's approach is to combine concepts with powerful touch and focus in applications. What will be emphasized is the ability to function as a graphic designer with mastery in addressing the intricacies of communication as well as being a smart medium.

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Career Opportunities

 Art Director

 Logo Designer

 Graphic designer

 Website Designer

 Product Designer

 Montage Designer

 Publishing Artist








Study Fees
Study Fees Local Students
Study Fees International Students
Curriculum Structure

Entry Requirements
Local Students
International Students
4 years