Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Elective : Cultural Heritage

The Cultural Heritage elective at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) differs from other higher education institutions' cultural studies programmes. This course is relevant to be offered in the era of modernity since it is located in Kelantan, a state that has many heritage assets and still preserves a multitude of cultural legacies. Despite Malaysia and Kelantan's rich cultural heritage, which includes Wayang Kulit (shadow puppetry), Dikir Barat (traditional Malay vocal music), weaving, carving, and metal crafts such as gold, silver, and copper, our heritage is still viewed as undervalued in terms of commercial value. One contributing cause is a shortage of expertise in heritage management. This scenario marks a new stage in the evolution of cultural heritage studies. The importance of cultural heritage studies as an economic development tool has created considerable prospects for creative income production, commercial opportunities, and employment in a variety of cultural industries and beyond national borders.

Thus, the Department of Heritage Studies at FTKW UMK provides a professional programme in cultural heritage studies that is transformative, entrepreneurial, market-oriented, and innovative. Cultural assets Studies at UMK are broad, focusing on a wide range of significant cultural assets, both tangible and intangible, as well as natural heritage. The exploration of heritage knowledge is not limited to lectures; field visits allow students to delve further into cultural heritage on their own. Additionally, students gain hands-on exposure through related courses such as performing arts management, archaeological heritage, heritage conservation, and museum studies. Graduates in this field are expected to explore new global markets in cultural heritage, as well as provide professional and highly skilled graduates for Malaysians and the international market in general, particularly in Southeast Asia.

Related Courses

Career Opportunities



Tourist Guides

Museum Volunteers

Cultural Officers


Heritage Product Entrepreneurs

Gallery Managers

Event Managers

Cultural Artists



Study Fees
Study Fees Local Students
Study Fees International Students
Curriculum Structure

Entry Requirements
Local Students
International Students
4 years